The book 'Vliegveld Asch' tels the whole history of the airfield Asch (Fliegerschieβschule Asch 1917-1918 and Military Pilot School Belgium 1919-1925).
The book contains more than 350 photos and illustrations. Language: Dutch. The price for the book 'Vliegveld Asch' is € 39,50. The book 'Arbeitsanweisung Fliegerschieβschule Asch' is an exact reproduction of a German guidebook from 1918. 69 pictures explain how the gunnery school works. The original explanation of the photos is in German, translated into Dutch, French and English. Now the book 'Arbeitsanweisung Fliegerschieβschule Asch' is free when you buy the book 'Vliegveld Asch'. Both books together costs € 39,50. Shipping cost inside Belgium: € 7,00 Shipping cost outside Belgium: contact [email protected] for the shipping cost Order the book by deposit money on bank account: BE74 0018 0516 1007 BIC: GEBABEBB name: Vliegveld Asch |